Wednesday, March 31

Star man - A Beetle Kiss Collaboration

Is up for auction on OZeBaby - A very cute one for the boys out there.

My sister has flown away home again - very sad about that, poor Miss K is devastated that her cousin has gone home and even W is missing her too, they all played so well together. We'll see them again at Christmas but it just seems so far away. But my sister as always has some awesome suggestions on what I can do next, so keep your eye's peeled for those.

To that end though, of course no sewing was completed but the little ones are going to spend Easter with the grandparents at the beach, so I'll be sewing my little butt off over the Easter break. Nappies will be stocked randomly from Easter Saturday, I'll preview them as I get them finished. After the Easter long weekend, we have school holidays here so please don't expect any stock to arrive in store then. We are also in the midst of a bit of house refurbishing including the sewing room, so things might be hit and miss for a few weeks.

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