Saturday, October 9


I missed yesterday - well I knew what i was going to do but it didn't get done :( So anyways this is just a whiney post instead. I'm sick of the rain, I'm sick of the mess. And the no sleep for the last couple of days. The little cherub takes advantage when Daddy is away to sneek into my bed, but she has to lay right on top of you - we have a queen sized bed, there is plenty of room, but it's no Mummy I want to share your pillow. I don't like sharing my pillow, I don't even share it with Shane.

So my plan for the next week is to tackle one room at a time and declutter them somewhat. Thinking perhaps that I rearrange the kids rooms and have K and W sleeping in the one room and the playroom in the other room, but I'm not sure how that will work?????

Back later today with some baking and the post that should have been posted yesterday.


  1. Ah Lesley, I hear ya... I was right there the other day... thankfully when I get like that I usually clean LOL as it's my 'thing' I do when things upset me...
    but when I don't that's even more blergh of a feeling. When you feel so blergh that you can't even get that far...

    hugs xo

  2. Yup that's how I've been Kristy. I don't like it at all. I just can't seem to get on top of things atm.
